What's the difference between the Intended Location and Link to Holdings field?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.0.1
What's the difference between the Intended Location and the Link to Holdings fields in the Copies/Funds field of a line item?
Intended location is the location you're ordering an item for; i.e., where iyou think it's going to be shelved or where it's going for processing. Once received, you may change the location in the linked mfhd.
Link to holdings either
a) links an item to the current mfhd record if a mfhd already exists for the Intended Location
b) creates a new record if the Intended Location differs from the location in the mfhd that already exists in the system or if no mfhd exists for the title
Category: Acquisitions
Subject: ACQ.EXE
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013