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    circjob 43:incorrectly updates ub_request status for processed call slips

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.2.5

    Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-16993

    Module(s): Circjob
    Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
    PC OS (if applicable): n/a
    Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
    Release(s): reported in 7.2.5, replicated in 8.0

    Expected results: Circjob 43 should only update status information in ub_request if the current status is incorrect.

    Actual results: If the call slip in the remote database has a status of Filled (4) and the associated item has a status of In Transit On Hold (10), circjob 43 updates the status in ub_request from In transit (2) to Available for Pickup (5).

    Workflow implications: Could throw off reports based on request status.

    Replication steps:
    Have patron A in database A place a request for item B in database B.
    Process the call slip for item B in database B.
    Confirm before running the job – the status of the item in db B is now 10, and the status for this request in db A’s ub_request is 2.
    Run circjob 43.
    If you check the log, you’ll see a message that says something like:

    Patron 431: stub patron 480 at db A:
    * Modified a local ub_request record (call slip ID 110) to match remote data.

    Check the ub_request table again, and you’ll see the status has changed to 5.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013