request form using first alphabetical pickup location rather than the default
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.4
Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-18033
Module(s): WebVoyage
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
PC OS (if applicable): n/a
Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
Release(s): reported in 7.2.4; replicated in 8.1.0
Last version without bug (if applicable): Classic
Expected results: Whenever a request form that includes the default pickup location dropdown displays, the default pickup location should be selected until a patron selects a different pickup location.
Actual results: If a request form has to refresh because the patron supplies a barcode that doesn’t match the barcode supplied upon login, the pickup location dropdown switches to the pickup location that falls first alphabetically.
Workflow implications: Patrons who have already selected the desired pickup location may not realize that the pickup location has reverted to something different and submit the form with the incorrect location specified.
Replication steps:
In SysAdmin>Circulation>Circ Cluster, make sure a location that *isn’t* alphabetically the first is selected as the Default Pickup Location
Go to tomcat WebVoyage, search for a title then click Make a Request
Log in
In the request form, confirm that the default pickup location is displaying as selected in the pickup location dropdown
In the barcode field, enter a barcode that does *not* match the barcode you initially supplied
The form will display again with a message that states “The barcode you entered does not match that of the currently logged in patron. You may retry your request or log out and start over”; if you look at the Pick Up At field, you’ll see that it has been reset to the pickup location that alphabetically falls first.
Other information: In Classic, you were taken away from the page with the form and given a separate error message, so this problem did not occur.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013