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    Outlook 365

    campusM + cmLibrary Logo wh bkg sm1.png


    Outlook 365 product integration integrates campusM with Microsoft Outlook 365 and allows users to manage their email accounts directly from campusM.

    User Experience

    The following section describes aspects of the user experience.

    Logging In to Microsoft

    The first time a user selects the Outlook tile, the Microsoft login page appears:


    Microsoft Login Page

    The user enter the institution’s email address and password. After logging in, the user is redirected back to the outlook main screen. There is no need to login again to Microsoft if the user is still logged in to campusM.


    The following is an overview of the Outlook 365 product integration user interface for a reference when configuring it.
    The Live Tile indicates number of unread emails After selecting the Outlook tile, the user's Inbox appears: Select the title bar to display the email boxes:
    outlook_live_tile.png outlook_inbox.png search_email.png
    Select an email to open it: Select Reply to reply to the sender: Enter a subject in the Subject box:
    compose_new_email.png outlook_folders.png outook_message.png

    Live Tile

    It is possible to use the live tile either with full product integration (OTB behavior) or with a linkout to an external website, app or any other tile. For more information, see Configuring Live Tile Linking.

    Technical Overview

    The following section describes technical information for the Outlook 365 product integration.


    The following are the prerequisites for the Outlook 365 product integration:

    • Configure an OAuth Integration Profile (App Manager > App Settings> Integration Profile). For more information, see OAuth Integration Profile Configuration.
    • Configure a redirect URI in the Azure settings > Authentication section. The Redirect URI should be the following: <App URL>/cmauth/oauth/callback.
      For example:
    • Verify on the Azure side that permissions that are updated in campusM (see OAuth Scope in the Configuration section) are configured in Azure as well (Azure settings > API Permissions section).
    • Configure Microsoft Graph API permissions. For more information, see Microsoft Graph API Permissions and campusM Product Integrations.


    The following is the authentication workflow:

    1. campusM sends Integration Profile information to Microsoft Login API.
    2. Microsort send a response with user's access token.
    3. campusM sends the access token to Microsoft Graph API to get all relevant data for the logged in user.

    When a customer implements this Product Integration with a Live Tile that takes the user out of campusM and opens Outlook in an external browser, campusM can only log the user out of the Outlook session if Single Log Out (SLO) is enabled in the customer's Identity Provider (IDP) and configured in campusM. If SLO is not enabled in this way, and a device is shared by multiple users, there is a risk that a campusM user may see the email account of the previous user rather than their own email in the browser. This can occur when user A selects the Outlook tile, reviews their email, and doesn’t log out of the Outlook tab, and then user B logs into campusM from the same device, and selects their Outlook tile in campusM. 


    Enabling Single Log Out means that when a user logs out of campusM, a logout is initiated across all the users’ sessions on all devices, which prevents sessions from overlapping on shared devices.


    For further information on managing token-based authentication and Integration Profiles, see Configuring Integration Profiles.


    To configure the Outlook 365 Product Integration, first configure an authentication integration profile (subtype OAuth) that you then select in the Product Integration configuration section.  

    OAuth Integration Profile Configuration

    You add and edit integration profiles from App Settings > Integration Profile > Add Integration Profile

    The following table describes the configuration options available on this page. You can find most of the information in your Azure portal; under App registrations, Endpoints and Certificate and Secrets sections.

    Configuration Option Description
    Type Authentication
    Subtype OAuth
    OAuth Client ID The Application ID that the registration portal assigned your app.
    OAuth Client Secret The application secret that you generated for your app in the app registration portal
    Authorization Endpoint{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    Access Token Endpoint{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
    Token Endpoint Auth Post
    OAuth Scope A space-separated list of the Microsoft Graph permissions that to which you want the user to consent. This can also include OpenID scopes. You need to have at least the following scopes: offline_access mail.send Mail.ReadWrite
    Logout URL{tenant}/oauth2/logout?client_id={OAuth Client ID}&post_logout_redirect_uri={logout url}
    Extract OAuth Tokens True
    Username Mapping unique_name
    Mail Mapping upn
    First Name Mapping given_name
    Last Name Mapping family_name

    Product Integration Configuration

    To configure the Outlook 365 product integration, select Product Integrations > Add Product Integration.
     Select Outlook. The following configuration page appears:
    Configuring Outlook
    The following table describes the configuration options available on this page.
    Configuration Option Description
    Enable Product Integration Select to enable the product integration on the user's campusM app.
    Product Integration Description A description of the product integration for internal use
    Screen Title The title that appears in the top header of the service
    Look and Feel
    Primary Theme Color Select a color for the main elements on the page
    Secondary Theme Color Select a color for the secondary elements on the page
    Button Background Color The background color of the buttons
    Live Tile
    Enabled Select to enable the number of unread emails indicator on the Outlook tile
    Badge Color The color of the badge indicator
    Update Rate Enter the frequency of updates to the unread count (in minutes)
    Text / Labels Enter replacement text for the default titles and labels
    Offset number of emails to be incremented at every load action The number of emails displayed each time the user selects Load more
    Integration Profile The integration profile campusM uses to integrate with Outlook 365. See the Authentications section above for more information.
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