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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

May 2019


Notification Center

Given the high usage of push notification used by customers to engage with end users, we have developed the campusM Notification Center which provides enhanced visibility for app administrators on the levels of engagement for the messages being sent, whilst providing additional functionality to improve communication with the unengaged users.

As part of this initial release of Notification Center, we are providing the notification Dashboard where app administrators can view the number of notification sent in the last month alongside the percentage of users that has read the notifications.

On initial opening, the last days’ worth of notifications are shown, and search/filters are provided to be able to locate and display notifications sent over the last 30 days.


Notification Center Dashboard

As part of this month’s deployment, we have improved the workflow for managing alert groups, combined the different screens to manage the group subscription into one.


Menu Options, Before the Release


Menu Options, New


Notification Groups Dashboard

In the coming months we will continue to enrich the dashboard with additional functionalities, such as scheduled notifications and the option to resend notifications to those that have/haven’t read the initial message.

Resolved Issues

  • App Manager SF: 00563271 00573670
    The "clear all" option in alert group subscriptions did not remove all the subscribers in the alert group when more than 200 users were in the group.
  • App Manager SF: 00651672
    There was an issue in notification subscription groups when trying to add users for groups with more than 200 users.
  • Web app SF: 00613997
    The wrong device model was submitted as part of the feedback when sent from an Edge browser.


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