360 Services, Intota and Intota Assessment: Report Scheduler
The Schedule Reports tool lets you set up reports so that they are ran and delivered automatically. If your library subscribes to Intota or Intota Assessment and you are wanting to schedule a custom report created from scratch with the Build Your Own Reports tool, see the information available here.
Currently the Schedule Reports tool allows you to create a schedule for:
Currently the Schedule Reports tool allows you to create a schedule for:
Counter usage reports:
- JR1 (Journal)
- DB1 (Database)
- BR1, 2, 5 (Book)
- Click-Throughs
- Search and Browse
- 360 Link Usage
- 360 Search Usage
Note that in order for a scheduled Counter usage report to run, the relevant Counter report needs to be successfully uploaded to your Intota or Client Center profile. Intota users can see their list of uploaded reports on the COUNTER Reports page, Client Center users can see their list of uploaded reports on the 360 Counter Landing Page in the Client Center.
- Note that the scheduling tool retrieves the most recent data from the last calendar year's Counter report. The system does not support scheduling reports with older data, for example, from 2013.
Scheduled reports are saved at the individual user level. You can set up your scheduled reports to be delivered to others within your institution, but colleagues cannot view your saved, scheduled reports on the Intota Assessment platform.
Access the Schedule Reports tool from the navigation links on the top left of Intota Assessment:

At the top of the Schedule Reports page you will see any previously created schedules, such as the below JR1 example. Note the right side information that indicates when the report was last ran and delivered:

Create a New Scheduled Report
To create a new schedule, use the fields displayed in the above screenshot:
Report Type
Use the Report Type drop-down menu to select COUNTER if you are wanting to schedule a Counter report, or 360 Usage if you are wanting to schedule a report about use of your library's collection through 360 Services such as 360 Link and 360 MARC Updates.
Choose the specific COUNTER or 360 Usage report you want to schedule.
Note that the schedule tool will generate a report based on the default settings of the report; the schedule tool cannot apply any saved customizations you may have configured by using the Page Options menu on the right side of all reports generated on the Intota Assessment platform. (For more information on the Page Options menu for Counter reports, see the Report Options Such as Customizations and Exporting section of Using the Functionality in your Consolidated Usage and Cost Reports.)
Note that the schedule tool will generate a report based on the default settings of the report; the schedule tool cannot apply any saved customizations you may have configured by using the Page Options menu on the right side of all reports generated on the Intota Assessment platform. (For more information on the Page Options menu for Counter reports, see the Report Options Such as Customizations and Exporting section of Using the Functionality in your Consolidated Usage and Cost Reports.)
Coverage Period
The scheduled report contains data from the most recently completed Calendar Year , Fiscal Year or Month . The fourth option, Custom Range , lets you choose a range of months. Note that Fiscal Year is an option for COUNTER reports, not for 360 Usage reports.
Report View
When scheduling a COUNTER report, select how you want the data displayed, by Month, Quarter or Year. If you selected a Coverage Period of Month or Custom Range, the scheduled report will display by Month.
Reports by a single Provider can be specified in this field. The Provider menu is a list of all Providers, not just the Providers you subscribe to in the Client Center or in Intota.
If you do not select a Provider, then the scheduled report will include all Providers in your Client Center or Intota profile. Note: One provider can be selected per report; you will need to create additional scheduled reports for other Provider reports you want to schedule.
If you do not select a Provider, then the scheduled report will include all Providers in your Client Center or Intota profile. Note: One provider can be selected per report; you will need to create additional scheduled reports for other Provider reports you want to schedule.
Add the email addresses of those people you want to receive the report. When adding multiple addresses, use a comma to separate the email addresses.
When a report is delivered, the recipient will see an email delivered from sender Intota Assessment.
When a report is delivered, the recipient will see an email delivered from sender Intota Assessment.
Report Run Date
This is the recurring date upon which the report will be run. This field is dependent on the Coverage Period you have selected. All Coverage Period selections except Monthly will generate the below calendar date picker below. Select the month and day you want the report to run every year.

If you have selected a Coverage Period of Monthly , the Report Run Date will display the days of the month. Select the day of the month you want the report to run every month.
Click Save when you have completed the form. The new schedule will then display at the top of the Schedule Reports page, along with any other previously scheduled reports.
To delete a schedule report, select the checkbox next to the report and click Delete :
Click Save when you have completed the form. The new schedule will then display at the top of the Schedule Reports page, along with any other previously scheduled reports.
To delete a schedule report, select the checkbox next to the report and click Delete :

To create another new schedule, click the Create New Schedule button on the top right of the page, or simply begin filling out the form fields.
- Date Created: 15-Jul-2015
- Last Edited Date: 2-Sep-2015
- Old Article Number: 12858