User Authentication: Administration Console -- User Authentication Settings - Shibboleth Configuration
Product: 360 Core Client Center
How do I configure Shibboleth authentication in the User Authentication settings in the Administration Console?
This Answer is part of a larger set of documentation about using the Administration Console to configure your User Authentication service.
This Answer contains instructions for enabling Shibboleth authentication as your credential-based user authentication method.
On the Configure User Authentication page, click Edit.
Select Shibboleth from the Selected Authentication Method drop-down list. The page will then look like this:
Enter your library's Shibboleth SAML version, Entity ID, IdP SSO Location, and Attributes in the appropriate fields. Only the Entity Id is required.
SAML Version is the version of SAML that you are using: SAML 1.1 or SAML 2.0.
IdP SSO Location is the Identity Provider Single Sign-On Location. Adding this information will provide a WAYF-less experience for your users.
Shibboleth Attributes are named sets of values about an authenticated user. For example, eduPerson is an attribute.
Whoever manages your institution's Shibboleth service can provide you with the Entity ID, IdP SSO Location, and attributes.
Click Save.