360 Counter: Deleting Usage Statistics from Consolidated Reports
- Product: 360 Counter
How do we delete a previously uploaded usage-statistics report from the 360 Counter consolidated reports system?
Deleting usage data from 360 Counter works in much the same way as adding usage data: A deletion extracts the uploaded data from the Consolidated Reports system. The following are examples of reasons why you might wish to delete a report from 360 Counter:
- Duplicate titles from MetaPress and other third-party vendors and providers
- Correcting errors and re-uploading a usage report (you need to delete the old version first)
- Duplicate usage data where title information did not overlay correctly (such as two reports covering some of the same dates)
- Re-formatting consolidated reports and costs when a platform name changes
- Connecting the spreadsheet to the wrong vendor in the upload process
When a usage report is deleted, the remaining usage data must be re-calculated, and the timeline for that process is here. Depending on when you do the deletion, it can take up to 2 weeks for the re-calculations to take effect.
To delete a report:
Click the red 'x' icon in the column (far-right side) for the report you want to delete (see the red circle in the image below).

- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 5-Oct-2016
- Old Article Number: 7172