360 Link: Available Target Linking-Syntaxes ("Linkers")
- Product: 360 Link
What target linking-syntaxes are currently available for linking to full-text from 360 Link?
A list of target linking-syntaxes (also known as "linkers") is available as an Excel xls file. It can be accessed here.
- Note that if you were following updates to this article in our previous ProQuest support center (pre-September 2016) and you received email notification when updates were made, you will continue to receive notification for this article while we work on developing a "Follow Me" feature for all articles in our Ex Libris support center.
All Newsbank databases with linkers that are known to us appear in the spreadsheet.
Databases that only link with CrossRef lookups are no longer shown on this list. See here for details and access to CrossRef's own list.
If you cannot find a resource to which you want 360 Link to make an OpenURL query, you can request that we create one.
If you see a linker on the list but you find it isn't working for your patrons, report a broken linker.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 6-Apr-2018
- Old Article Number: 7220