360 MARC Updates: Using Single-Record Approach with 360 MARC Updates
- Product: 360 MARC Updates
How can we use the single-record method in our OPAC with 360 MARC records?
Libraries that want to take a single-record approach to their electronic resources using our 360 MARC Updates service can do so by using the OCLC number as the match point:
- For e-journals, we use the OCLC number contained in our CONSER records
- For e-books, we use the OCLC number from Library of Congress (LC) or National Library of Medicine (NLM)
The OCLC number is found the 035 field of all of our CONSER records, most of our LC records, and some of our NLM records. (NOTE: We can move this number to another field if required by your ILS bulk record importer.)
Your library's ILS should be able to set up duplicate detection and record merge processes in order to take the records that 360 MARC Updates delivers, match them up to existing records using the OCLC number, and then merge the desired fields from the 360 MARC record (usually the 856) with the existing record in the system.
By merging the records, you're able to preserve your local record and just add the holdings data needed from our record. We recommend that you use our Hosted 856 option to keep the number of changes to a minimum.
Some issues you should be aware of before choosing this approach:
- It would be difficult to use our records lacking OCLC numbers to get 100-percent coverage of your resources unless you're able to set up a duplicate detection profile that matched on a combination of title and ISSN/ISBN.
- In some cases we may only be able to deliver an online record to you for some titles, which may not match your print holding record if you have one. This could mean additional work initially on your part to identify those records and either merge them manually or not include them. We can minimize this by setting up the system to deliver an online record only in the case of not having a print record. We could also not deliver online records at all, but that might mean not getting records for titles that have no print format.
- The monthly update process will also likely be time-consuming because you will need to process all deletes manually (provided you have chosen the Updates Only update method, rather than All New). This is necessary to prevent you from deleting records that have print and microform holdings attached.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 20-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7308