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    Year column in wrong in OPAC My Library Card (ILL Active Requests & ILL Total Re

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    When you view your ILL requests in the OPAC My Library Card (ILL Active Requests and ILL Total Requests), the year column contains the following:

    blank if the request is entered via the OPAC

    "2004" if the request is a book request entered via the GUI

    "1900" if the request is a serial request entered in the GUI.

    Instead the year of the journal issue should be displayed here (or the year of publication for a book).

    This can be solved by changing tab_22 and tab_tag_text in XXX40 and rebuilding the Z13 records using p_manage_07 as follows.

    1. tab_tag_text

    a) In the line starting 008 BK replaced the 2004 with ^^^^

    b) In the line starting 008 SE replaced the 1900 with ^^^^

    2. tab_22

    Changed the line that said:

    YEAR 1 008 0008

    and instead replaced it with:

    YEAR 1 ISS## y 260## c 008 0008

    3. Finally rebuilt Z13 records using p_manage_07. N.B. this locks the library, so schedule for convenient moment. Doesn't take long for ILL Library anyway.

    [Thanks to Matthew Phillips from the University of Dundee for suppyling this problem / solution. ]

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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