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    Loan page displays default Aleph HTML & catalog switches randomly to local catal

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We have a couple of strange problems happening as of this morning in our production Web OPAC.

    1. Clicking on "My Account" sometimes displays the banner of a local catalog (which should be tied into the IP address profile?)

    2. Clicking on "loans" in the borrower info page directs the user to a page that uses the default Aleph HTML asking him to log in again. If one keeps clicking on "My Account", one starts to see borrower records of other users!!!

    I find a number of Oracle errors in the log:

    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z52
    Oracle error: io_z63_write
    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z52
    Oracle error: io_z63_write
    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z52
    Oracle error: io_z63_write
    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z52
    Oracle error: io_z63_write
    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z103
    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z103
    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z52

    Running clear_vir01 fixed this problem. Could you check on why the job (from the job_list) failed?

    I see the following messages in the $alephe_scratch/vir01_clear_vir01.00884 log file:

    Enter user-name: ERROR:
    ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out

    Enter user-name: SP2-0306: Invalid option.

    "ls -lrt" in $alephe_scratch shows that this file has a size of 7937 while the (successful) jobs from the preceding mornings have a size of 31158. The "TNS" message relates to the Oracle Listener.

    The following jobs, running around the same time, were also getting the same (above) messages:

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph aleph 1917 May 30 05:33 abc60_util_a_17_b_z07.01242
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph aleph 3515 May 30 05:41 abc50_util_a_13_b.89514

    Note: This problem occurred on the following two mornings, but on the third morning and after it did not occur.

    We believe that something was happening on the (separate) database server which was preventing successful connection; and that that problem was corrected.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013