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    p_cir_10 notices aren't created for all eligible patrons & have repeating items

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When I run the courtesy notices (either for loans due a fixed number of days ahead or for loans due within a certain number of days), only a fraction of the possible notices are generated. I can see this by checking the notices generated against an sql listing of the loans that should be generating these notices.

    Also, some of the notices will generate up to three listings per notice for a given item (see the raw xml output attached).

    You are specifying a "Filter Method" of "Items Due in Exact Number of Days Until Due Date" (value = 1) in the p_cir_10 submission. SQL shows that there are 49 items due on July 22:

    SQL-ABC50> select count(*) from z36 where z36_due_date = '20090722';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    The following grep in the print file shows that notices with a total 57 items were produced:

    ABC50-ALEPH>>grep -c '<z36-due-date>07/22/2009' 090720court1

    (no doubt because of the fact that certain items were repeated).

    I'm thinking that you were expecting p_cir_51 to also send courtesy notices for items due today or tomorrow.

    That would require a different setting of Filter Method, such as:

    Items Due Within the Number of Days Until Due Date (Including Overdue Items); or

    Items Due Within the Number of Days Until Due Date

    Note: Filter Method 1 *could* work OK with p_days_before_due = "002" if p_cir_10 were set in the job_list to run every day (including Sat. and Sun.).

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013