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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Expose ProQuest Dissertations and Theses in Primo

    You can use the following ways to expose users to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses:

    1.       Explain the use of the following facets to filter search results:

    a.       Resource Type > Dissertations

    b.       Collection > ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global



    2.       Use the Featured Results bar to display resources of type Dissertation from search profiles/search scopes that include CDI records.

    The Featured Results feature allows you to highlight relevant records to highlight them to the users. When this functionality is enabled, a Featured Results Bar will appear after the third record on the first page of the brief results.


    For configuration information, see the relevant document for your environment:

    Primo VE:


    ·         Primo:


    3.       Create a Search Box on your library/university portal for searching directly in Primo for ProQuest Dissertations & Theses search results.

    Use the following syntax to create a deep link for the search box:

    ·         Primo VE:

    <primoVE_domain>/discovery/search?query=any,contains,<query>&tab=<tab>&search_scope=<scope>&vid=<inst:view_id>&facet=domain,include,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,lk&offset=0

    ·         Primo:

    <primo_domain>/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,<query>&tab=<tab>&search_scope=<scope>&vid=<view_id>&facet=domain,include, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global&lang=en_US&offset=0


    For configuration information, see the relevant document for your environment:

    ·         Primo VE:



    4.       Create a ‘canned search’ on your library/university portal that returns all ProQuest Dissertations & Theses:

    Use the following syntax to create a deep link that returns all dissertations and theses:

    Primo VE:

    <primoVE_domain>/discovery/search?query=any,contains,*&tab=<tab>&search_scope=<scope>&vid=<inst:view_id>&facet=domain,include,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,lk&offset=0


    <primo_domain>/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,*&tab=<tab>&search_scope=<scope>&vid=<view_id>&facet=domain,include, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global&lang=en_US&offset=0


    5.       In 2022 we plan to allow you to include the PQDT option in a separate search scope or within your library catalog scope to distinguish these results from the CDI results.


    Product: Primo,  Primo VE


    • Article last edited: 05-Aug-2021
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