Featured Results Bar
This information is applicable only to Primo environments. For information specific to Primo VE, see Adding Featured Results to a Search Profile Slot.
Primo Central results in a tab that only returns local data
Images to highlight images
A special collection
Original query – This query uses the search terms, scope, and material type (if this prefilter is selected) that the user enters to return the results set.
Featured results query – This query uses the same search terms used in the original query, but the scope and material type are taken from the Featured Results mapping table (see The Featured Results Mapping Table). If this query returns enough results, Primo returns the additional results in one of the following formats in a dedicated bar that displays within the results of the original query:
Thumbnails (if at least four records are found in the featured results query)Thumbnail Format - New and Classic UI
List (if at least two records are found in the featured results query)List Format - Classic UI Only
View the full display of the record by clicking the title.
Display the complete results set for the featured results query by clicking the More link.
The Featured Results bar appears only for the initial query and on the first page. It will not display after selecting a facet or navigating to another page.
If the original query does not return any results, Featured Results bar will not display.
Back Office Configuration
Featured Results mapping table
Featured Results Labels code table
The Featured Results Mapping Table
The Featured Results mapping table under the Front End subsystem allows you to configure the display of featured results per view and search scope at the institution level.

To create a Featured Results bar, specify the following fields:
View & Tab – Specify the view and tab on which to enable the query and display of featured results.
There is a limit of one Featured Result bar per tab.
Search Scope - Specify the search scope from which featured results are returned.
Because of performance issues, you cannot include MetaLib quickSets in featured results.
Resource type – If appropriate, specify the type of resource (which is configured in the Basic Media Type code table) to which to limit the featured results list. The system uses the Prefilter facet as the basis for the featured results list.
More Link Target Tab – Specify the view and tab in which the additional search results will appear if the user clicks the More link.
Format – Specify one of the following display formats for the featured results:
Thumbnails – Displays the results as thumbnails. This format is ideal for images or results that are likely to have cover page images. Up to 10 records can display in this format. This is supported in both the new and classic UIs.
List – Displays the results as a list of titles. Up to 5 records can display in this format. This is supported in the classic UI only.
Title ID – Specify an alphanumeric ID to identify this Featured Results bar in the Featured Results Labels code table, which allows you to override the title that displays for the bar in the Front End. For more information, see Featured Results Labels Code Table. A title ID is required even if you do not want a dedicated title for the Featured Results bar.
After making changes deploy from the mapping table page or specify the All Code Tables and Mapping Tables (Front End labels and more) option on the Deploy All page.
Featured Results Labels Code Table

Code | Description |
Defines a component of the items presented in the List format, which appears in the following format:
Defines a component of the default title, which appears in the following format:
<resource type> in <search scope> matching your query
Defines a component of the default title, which appears in the following format:
<resource type> in <search scope> matching your query
Defines the label for the More link. The following value is provided out of the box: