AZ search for abbrev. titles with "and" instead of "&" will fail
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 3
When titles contains "&", and the abbrev. titles contain "and" instead of the ampersand, a search in the AZ list for the abbrev. title (i.e. with "and" instead of "&") will not find the journal.
Social science & medicine - searching for the abbrev. title "Social science and medicine" will fail.
Literary & linguistic computing - searching for the abbrev. title "Literary and linguistic computing" will fail.
From issue resolution: There 3 SI's attached to this issue, 2 of wich from the KB team and were fixed (they added
the the missing abrev titles). The third SI is about the sorting for titles with and without '&'
which the customer finds incorrect (although we use a well known sorting algorithm). Changing this is an enhancement request.[8/10/2009 10:55:15 AM Judith Fraenkel]
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013