85X Type and Linking Number Missing in Item Record
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
I am not sure if this is an item record problem or a holding record problem.
On our v 20 server, ABC50 (BIB sysno 2406969, HOL sysno 2492949), we have a title with 37 item records.
The library is trying to pull the 85X Type and Linking number into the item record(s) on Tab2 of the item record.
When the arrow for the 85X type is clicked, it is blank and does not show the 3 (for 853) from the holding record so it is not possible to enter the Type and Link into the item record. The item record seems to be linked correctly to the holding record.
Why is it not showing the 3 from the 853 of the holding record?
This single ADM record (sysno 2406969) had a schedule (Z08 record) attached to its subscription (in ADDITION to a prediction pattern). Deleting the schedule record made the 85X Type available and, as a result, the Linking Number also became available.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013