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    A-tree files not updated by Minor Release 20.2 - RC3030

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    For rep_change 3030, the web files bor-acq-body and bor-acq-exp-data where not updated by the service pack/minor release mechanism as is routinely the case. Tthe third file in the implementation notes, bor-acq-head, was updated. The relevant directory is:

    You can use the implementation notes for instructions to update the 2 files. Here is what the updated default versions should be:


    <!-- filename: bor-acq-body -->
    <td class=td1 id=centered valign=top>$0100</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0200</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0300</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0400</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0500</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$1000</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0600</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0700</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0800</td>
    <td class=td1 valign=top>$0900</td>


    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <!-- filename: bor-acq-exp-->
    <title>&f-base - Acq request details</title>

    <body topmargin="0">
    <p class=title>
    Acq Entry No. $0104
    <table border=0 cellspacing=2>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Order No.:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0200</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>ADM Doc No.:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0300</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Open Date:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$1200</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Order Sequence:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0400</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Order Status:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0500</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left width=10% nowrap>Author:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0600</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Title:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0700</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Imprint:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0800</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Periodical article title:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$0900</td>
    <td class=td1 id=bold align=left>Pages/Part:</td>
    <td class=td1 align=left>&nbsp;$1000</td>

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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