AIK21 - Step 3.5
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
The Aleph Installation Kit.pdf , step 3.5: Create Oracle start/stop scripts(only on Dedicated Oracle Server), says:
Creating start/stop scripts should only be done on the Oracle server.
If the server has both Aleph and the Database (that is, it is *not* Two-Task), technically, it is an oracle server, but it isn't "dedicated"....
Clarifying sentence needed to be added to document.
The Aleph Installation Kit.pdf has been updated and posted with the following sentence added:
"If the server is both the Aleph server and the Oracle server, the Start/Stop scripts are supplied by the AIK and do not need to be created."
Category: Installation
Subject: New Installation
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013