AIK Step 5.5.: "Error: Failed during alephe relocation - drop user"; no listener
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
The AIK Step 5.5 (Relocate alephe directory) fails with the following messages:
Relocating alephe directory:
INFO: Removing unused language files
INFO: Removing unused uni Directories...
INFO: Removing unused mab Directories...
INFO: Cleaning some irrelevant files before
INFO: Droping unused schemas
INFO: Droping MAB users from DB
Error: Failed during alephe relocation - drop user
Press any key to continue
The Menu-Point remains open (not OK).
The u-tree has not been built.
The script which is called during Step 5.5 connects to the Oracle database via the Oracle Listener. However, the Listener is currently not running on this server:
$ pgrep -l -f tnslsnr | wc
0 0 0
The log file of the Installation Kit (/exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/aik/log/aleph_installation_kit.log) clearly points to this fact:
INFO: Droping MAB useres from DB
ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
SP2-0751: Unable to connect to Oracle. Exiting SQL*Plus
Failed to generate list of users to drop
Error: Failed during alephe relocation - drop user
Start the Oracle Listener by executing Step 3.4 "Startup Oracle listener".
Watch the log file of the Listener:
$ tail -f /exlibris/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/alephneub/listener/trace/listener.log
When you see the message
[...] * service_register * aleph20 * 0
the database aleph20 is registered with the Listener.
Now test the connection to the database via the Listener by executing Step 3.5 "Check connection to the database via listener".
Execute Step 5.5 again.
In case of error messages on the screen have a look at the log file aleph_installation_kit.log.
Additional Information
If the complete message is " line 11: sqlplus: command not found", see KB 16384-56740 (" line 11: sqlplus: command not found")
Category: Installation
Subject: New Installation
- Article last edited: 12/11/2013