Add library address information to a bilingual form in Aleph
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Is it possible to add sublibrary address information in 2 languages to the hold-delete-letter?
Where do tags sub-library-address-1-occ1 - -occ10 get the address information from?
The ./form_lng/hold-delete-letter uses the patron language (Z303-CON-LNG) to determine the language
The address information is taken from ./xxx50/tab/tab_sublibrary_address.lng or $alephe_tab/tab_sublibrary_address.lng corresponding to the patron language
Update each of the tab_sublibrary_address.lng files for the relevant address type to accommodate both languages
Category: Printing (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013