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    Add more specific formats in Aleph / FMT-tags and connection to tab25.lng

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    More specific FMT values are needed.

    What is the relation between xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/formats.lng, the “Choose records format” in the Cataloging module and the different material types in xxx50/tab/tab25?


    Adding new FMT fields should be done very carefully as the record's format is checked in several tables. Please see also the explanation in "System Librarian's Guide - Cataloging", chapter 1.

    The formats assigned in table xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/formats.lng will be shown in the cataloging client when opening "Edit actions" -> "Choose record's format". Note that after any modification in xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/formats.lng util m/7 has to be started in order to create a new cataloging tables package which will be transferred after re-start of the cataloging client.

    There is no connection to xxx50/tab/tab25.lng. Tab25.lng defines the various values for Z30-MATERIAL in item records. The formats in xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/formats.lng are more in form and content while the formats in xxx50/tab/tab25.lng are more a physical description.

    Category: Cataloging (500) - ALEPH

    Subject: Create / Edit records (500) - ALEPH

    • Article last edited: 4/28/2014