After exporting z66 prod to test: "password not verified on connectable hosts"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I exported z66 and z67 from production and imported on test.
Now I can't log in with GUI on test server using MASTER or other usernames. Error is "password not verified on connectable hosts."
Procedure I used is:
1. Prod
Export z66 & z67 files:
csh -f p_file_03 pwd50,z66
csh -f p_file_03 pwd50,z67
The output files "z66.seqaa" and "z67.seqaa" will be created in the
/exlibris/aleph/u16_1/pwd50/files/ directory.
2. FTP output files from prod to test: put them in the
/exlibris/aleph/u16_1/pwd50/files/ directory.
3. Test
Import files to the password library:
csh -f _file_04 pwd50,z66
csh -f _file_04 pwd50,z67
I found that the test pwd50 z66 is wrong. util f/4 shows this:
01 z66_password
02 z66_rec_key \
03 user_name ................ALEPH
02 z66_user_library ........... ADMI
02 z66_user_password ..........N LXTSS
02 z66_user_password_enc ...... 00 20
It should have this:
01 z66_password \
02 z66_rec_key \
03 user_name ................ALEPH
02 z66_user_library ...........ADMIN
02 z66_user_password ..........
02 z66_user_password_enc ......LXTSS
This indicates a problem in the p_file_03 extract. I saved the prod pwd50 ./files/z66.seqaa as z66.seqaa.old and re-ran p_file_03 as follows:
csh -f $aleph_proc/p_file_03 PWD50,z66,go > & $alephe_scratch/pwd50_p_file_03.z66.js &
That has resulted in a different (correct) z66.seqaa being created:
PWD50-ALEPH>>ls -lrt *z66*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph aleph 2968 Oct 23 11:35 z66.seqaa.old
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph aleph 36192 Oct 30 12:00 z66.seqaa
I did the same for the z67, but the result in that case was a file exactly the same as the ...old.
You should ftp this z66.seqaa over to Test and load it with p_file_04.
I'm uncertain why your run for the z66 got an incorrect result. (Since the command was not structured to create a log, there is no log to look at to determine the problem.)
I suggest that in the future when you run p_file_03 you either submit it from the GUI Services or use the csh command shown above.
Additional Information
Note: Ex Libris strongly recommends keeping your passwords secure based on the Ex Libris Password Management Policy.
We recommend that the default passwords be changed to a complex combination and maintained.
Cloud customers are assured that Ex Libris maintains passwords based on best practice in the industry.
- Article last edited: 3/23/2015