Aleph 21 OPAC doesn't remember search type
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
Problem Symptoms:
When selecting a search type (e.g., "Keyword anywhere," "Browse title," etc.), it does not persist to the results page and gets reset to the first item on the list.
Rep_change 2613 (v21.) and 2073 (v22.):
Description: WEB, search/browse option - When the browse results page is loaded, search type is not retained.
If the browse type is not the first in the list, it is not retained.
Important note: you can either use the browse/search functionality or the separate Browse and Search functionalities. You can't use both options (see System Librarians Guide for Web OPAC).
Solution: This has been corrected
Category: Cataloging (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 11/6/2014