Aleph 22: AIK Step 2.7 fails with error message "The files cobol5.SunOS.sparc.tar.gz do not exist in /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
Problem Symptoms:
AIK Step 2.7 fails immediately with the following error message:
"Error: The files cobol5.SunOS.sparc.tar.gz do not exist in /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris"
The tar archive cobol5.SunOS.sparc.tar.gz which includes the software of the COBOL environment Micro Focus Server Express 5 does not exist in the directory /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris on the Aleph server.
Root cause:
-- AIK Step 1.1 is supposed to download all 3rd-party products for Aleph 22, including the COBOL environment.
-- At first, the relevant AIK script downloads a file named linklist from the directory of the ftp server
-- The file linklist includes a list of 3rd-party products and indicates for which Ex Libris applications each 3rd-party product needs to be downloaded and installed.
The following line of the file linklist indicates that the 3rd-party product JDK 1.7.0_51 needs to be downloaded and installed for the Ex Libris applications Aleph 22, MetaLib and ARC 4.
jdk1.7.0_51,local/java,metalib aleph22 arc4,sparc
-- The relevant script of AIK 22 downloads all 3rd-party products which carry the label aleph22 in the file linklist.
-- However, the COBOL environment has the label aleph in the file linklist:
cobol5,local/cobol,dtl metalib aleph,sparc
This is a bug in the file linklist.
-- Therefore AIK Step 1.1 does not download the file cobol5.SunOS.sparc.tar.gz.
Download the file cobol5.SunOS.sparc.tar.gz manually from the directory of the Ex Libris ftp server to the directory /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris on the Aleph server. For this purpose please connect to the ftp server as user produser.
Execute AIK Step 2.7 again.
Additional Information
The problem described above was caused by a bug in version of the file linklist.
This bug was fixed in version of the file linklist.
The version number can be found at the top of the file linklist:
$ head -1 linklist.1
Category: Installation & Upgrades (500) - ALEPH
Subject: Installation - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 7/16/2014