Aleph 22: AIK Step 5.3 fails with error message " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
Problem Symptoms:
AIK Step 5.3 fails with the following error message:
get_ora_passwd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/exlibris/aleph/a22_1/aleph/exe/rts32: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Defect in the script.
The COBOL run-time system (executable file /exlibris/aleph/a22_1/aleph/exe/rts32) is linked to the shared object file
The file exists in the directory /exlibris/product/openssl-0.9.8y/lib.
However, this file is owned by UNIX user ID 501 and group dba. Its file mode is 770.
Therefore UNIX user aleph cannot read this file when trying to execute the program rts32.
Root cause:
-- AIK Step 4.1 is supposed to install all 3rd-party products for Aleph 22, including OpenSSL.
-- Line 222 of the script (called by AIK Step 4.1) is supposed to ensure that UNIX user aleph and group exlibris own all files and subdirectories in the directory /exlibris/product:
nohup chown -Rh ${exl_prod}:exlibris $PRODUCT_DIR 2>>$log &
-- However, in lines 47 - 49 of the script the variable $exl_prod is set to the value aleph22:
if [ "$exl_prod" = "aleph" ] ; then
-- There is no UNIX user aleph22 on the server. Therefore the command chown fails and prints the following error message to the AIK log file /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/AIK22/log/aleph_installation_kit.log:
Thu Mar 27 15:40:55 CDT 2014 Step ikit_4_1 [ Done ]
nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
chown: invalid user: `aleph22:exlibris'
This is a bug in the script of the AIK.
Make UNIX user aleph and group exlibris own all files and subdirectories in the directory /exlibris/product by executing the following command as UNIX user root:
# chown -Rh aleph:exlibris /exlibris/product
Execute AIK Step 5.3 again.
Correction made in the kit to as of Apr 1, 2014.
- Article last edited: 4/16/2014