Aleph migration v22 - User privilige issues after move from Aleph 18 to Aleph 22
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
While using the Circulation module staff user received the message:
"User denied permission for function 'Patron Circulation Info(PATRON-INFO)/View Patron Cash List (CASH-LIST)'."
The functionality was allowed in Aleph 18 and the user access rights were not changed. Why is this not working in the new version?
Between Aleph 18 and 19 the staff privileges management has been revised and simplified based on requests from customers to make managing the privileges easier.
The Upgrade Express Kit 18-19 has considered these changes automatically and converts your staff privileges in all cases 1:1-mapping is possible. In general no manual correction after the upgrade is needed to ensure that staff is allowed to do the same functionality as in Aleph 18. This is the reason no detailed documentation or mapping table of Aleph 18 vs. Aleph 19 privileges exists that we could provide.
However there is exactly one exception and this is the functionality “Patron circulation info”:
In Aleph 19 these new staff privileges were introduced in order to be able to restrict functionality that already existed in Aleph 18:
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info LOAN-LIST L View Patron Loan List
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info CASH-LIST L View Patron Cash List
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info REQUEST-LIST L View Patron Requests Lists
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info PHOTOS-LIST L View Patron Photocopy Requests Lists
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info ILL-LIST L View Patron ILL Requests List
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info BOOKING-LIST L List Patron Booking Requests
PATRON-INFO L Patron Circulation Info PATRON-DETAILS L Patron Routing list and proxy list
In Aleph 18 no staff privileges checks were made for these functionality and therefore the Upgrade Express Kit does not have any information in the old data that can be used to setup the new privileges automatically. It was decided for security reasons not to set these privileges at all (in order not to mistakenly allow staff to access critical information).
In order to allow your circulation staff to access all relevant patron information you should give them the “All Unspecified Subfunctions”privilege:
Category: Staff privileges/ (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 7/3/2014