Allowing loan to requestor via Self-check with subsequent requests pending
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
How do I enable items to be loaned via Self Service to the patron who requested that item when there are subsequent requests pending on the title? Apparently this was a problem in the early days of ALEPH implementation which we fixed, but which has reoccurred since upgrade to ALEPH v20, and I cannot for the life of me remember what we did to fix this, nor can I find any documentation held locally, on Pivotal or on the Doc Portal.
The background is that we have moved to self collection of fulfilled requests, whereby the patron simply collects the item from open shelves then issues the item to themselves. This works fine provided there isn't a subsequent request pending for another patron.
For information, Self Service will correctly prevent anyone other than the patron who requested the item from loaning it, so there is a check being made 'somewhere' that the correct patron is taking the correct item.
[From site:]
We have managed to fix the problem locally. The solution was as follows:
LOAN check_circ_6_b
RENEW check_circ_6_b
RENEW-WWW check_circ_6_b
LOAN check_circ_6_a
SIP-LOAN check_circ_6_a
SIP-LOAN check_circ_6
The call can be closed now.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013