Authority record update: "Server failed to execute request after 200 sec"; z105h
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We are having a problem with update of authority records..
Here's the sequence of events:.
--The user clicks the icon to save the record to the server..
--The system responds with a list of relevant, nonfatal errors..
--The user clicks over-ride..
--After 200 seconds, the user receives the message "Server failed to execute request after 200 seconds.".
The record is NOT rewritten to the screen as it would usually be for a successful update..
A check using util/f/4 indicates that the record actually HAS been updated. However, waiting 200 second and getting an error message is really tiresome and does not inspire confidence..
PC server logs, e.g., pc_server_6991.log, show no obvious problems.
The Oracle alert log showed these errors:
Errors in file /oracle/u01/app/oracle/admin/aleph3/udump/aleph3_ora_23287.trc:
ORA-04098: trigger 'xxxnn.Z105H_TRIGGER' is invalid and failed re-validation.
The $z105_library file_list had these lines:
TAB z105h ....
TRI z105h_trigger
As described in PRB 3814, the Z105H table is an optional statistical table relevant only to [German] libraries using the z105 for central-local operation.
The ./usr00/file_list and file_list's of the other distributed demo libraries do not contain these lines, but the $aleph_dev/aleph/tab/file_list.Z105 template does.
We suggest that North American libraries *not* include these lines in their $z105_library file_list.
The solution is to drop the table and trigger:
SQL> drop table z105h;
SQL> drop trigger z105h_trigger;
and add these lines to the $z105_library $data_root/file_list:
NA z105h
NA z105h_trigger
Thanks to Christina Meyer and the programmers at the University of Minnesota for their help in diagnosing and solving this problem.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013