Backup Package: any backup of Oracle database fails with error message ORA-27040: file create error
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
Problem Symptoms:
-- Start any backup of the Oracle database (ora_cold, ora_hot, ora_hot0, ora_hot1, ora_archive), using the Ex Libris Backup Package.
-- When the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) tries to write the first backup file to the destination directory the follow
The error messages above indicate that the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) could not write a backup file to the specified destination directory (/exlibris/backup_files in the following example).
The operating system processes of RMAN run with the privileges of UNIX user oracle.
However, it turns out that only UNIX user root has permission to write in the destination directory on the server:
# ls -ld /exlibris/backup_files
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 11 11:18 /exlibris/backup_files
The Ex Libris Backup Package requires that the UNIX user which owns the Ex Libris software (user aleph, dtl, metalib, primo or verde) as well as the UNIX user oracle have permission to write in the destination directory of the backup files.
Determine the destination directory of the backup files by entering the following command:
$ grep BKP_DIR /exlibris/backup/conf/bkp_param.conf
# BKP_DIR directory where the Backup Package will write the backup files
# ensure write permisions to directory - chmod 777 $BKP_DIR
setenv BKP_DIR <backup_file_directory>
The value of the variable $BKP_DIR indicates the absolute path to the destination directory of the backup files. The default directory is /exlibris/backup_files.
Give all UNIX users permission to write in the destination directory by entering the following command as UNIX user root:
# chmod 777 <backup_file_directory>
Start the backup of the Oracle database again.
- Article last edited: 02-Mar-2016