Backup/recovery of doc records updated by p_manage_21/p_manage_37.
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
We don't want to have to back up the entire doc file when we do a global change with p_manage_21 (or global fix-in-place with p_manage_37). But if the updates are incorrect, we need to be able to recover from them. How can this be done?
The input file to p_manage_21 is a file of doc numbers (produced by p_ret_01 or an OPAC search). p_manage_37 can have such a file as input (or it can have ALEPH sequential records as input). In the case where the input to a job is a file of doc numbers, you can do this:
1. Run p_ret_01 with output file "doc_numbers".
2. Run p_print_03 with Input file "doc_numbers"; Output file, "prt03out"; Format, "ALEPH Sequential"; Fix routine, "NONE"; and Character Conversion, blank.
3. Run p_manage_21.
4. If you need to recover the original records, run p_manage_18 with "prt03out" as the input file.
p_manage_37 is exactly the same.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013