Batch job error: "read_file: can't open /tmp/utf_files/.../form_eng/alert-batch-job-00"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
The following error message appears in a batch job log:
read_file: can't open /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/a21_1/xxx01/form_eng/alert-batch-job-00
Missing ./form_eng/alert-batch-job-00 file
> dlib xxx01
> dt
> view path_convert
1. If there's no line:
$xxx01_dev/xxx01/form_eng $yyy01_dev/yyy01/form_eng
> dr
> cd form_eng
copy the ./usm01/form_eng/alert-batch-job-00 file to ./xxx01/form_eng .
2. If there *is* a form_eng line in the xxx01 path_convert, then
> dlib yyy01
> dr
> cd form_eng
and copy the ./usm01/form_eng/alert-batch-job-00 file to ./yyy01/form_eng .
3. Rerun util i/6.
Category: Batch (500)
- Article last edited: 6/18/2014