Bibliographic information in template acq-order-claim-01
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
The template acq-order-claim-01.xsl contains the entry <xsl:call-template name="bib-info-hdr"/> yet, when claiming (in the client) the bibliographic information of the order does not display in the printout acq-order-claim-01-08
Wrong configuration
Adapt table ./xxx50/tab/bib_format.
There you can define which format of the bibliographic information is taken.
Example of the default configuration (usm50):
acq-order-claim-01 300
acq-order-claim-02 300
acq-order-claim-03 300
acq-order-claim-04 300
acq-order-claim-05 300
acq-order-claim-06 300
acq-order-claim-07 300
acq-order-claim-08 300
acq-order-claim-09 300
According to the table's header, section 300 is taken from the edit_paragraph.lng table:
! This table defines the creation of the bibliographic format
! for administrative printouts.
! The system turns to the edit_paragraph.lng table for the
! display of the bibliographic information in the administrative
! pintouts. Following is a list specifing the various forms.
! "default" is used if a relevant line is not found
! acq-order-claim-nn edit_paragraph
Therefore section 300 in ./xxx01/tab/edit_paragraph.lng should be present:
!* BIB for acq order slip
300 1#### D ##
300 245## D ##
300 250## D ##
300 260## D ##
300 300## D ##
Category: Printing (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 11/25/2013