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    CIRC_CREATED items not generating holds for CATALOGER patron

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    In the Staff User manual for Circ (pg. 56), it describes how to setup ALEPH so that a hold request is placed for CATALOGER on a CIRC-CREATED item. We created a CAT-ABC50 patron with "CAT-ABC50" listed as Patron ID and added FAST-CAT-HOLD-ID=CAT-ABC50 to tab100 in the ABC50 ADM. However, When the CIRC-CREATED item was returned, no holds popped for either CAT-ABC50 or CATALOGER.

    Do the following setup to enable this functionality for all users, regardless of whether or not xxx50/tab/tab100 USER-SHARING= "N" or "Y".

    1. For libraries where "USER-SHARING=Y" (e.g. ABC50/tab/tab100) create a patron record for XXX50 where "XXX50" is the Patron ID (as is indicated in tab100 "FAST-CAT-HOLD-ID=ABC50").

    Global patron record (z303): The patron ID should be "XXX50" - where XXX is the ADM code; e.g. "ABC50" (do not use a "CAT-" prefix)

    Local patron record (z305): The patron expiration date should be an active (not expired) date and the XXX50 borrower should be able to loan, renew, place hold requests, and place hold requests on available items.

    2. For libraries where "USER-SHARING=N", create a patron record in xxx50 where "CATALOGER" is the Patron ID (as is indicated in the tab100 header for FAST-CAT-HOLD-ID)

    Global patron record (z303): The patron ID should be "CATALOGER".

    Local patron record (z305): The patron expiration date should be an active (not expired) date and the CATALOGER borrower should be able to loan, renew, place hold requests, and place hold requests on available items.

    3. In the “Hold Requests and Recalls in Circulation” training document it states:

    Requests on Quick Cataloged Items
    When you use the Catalog Record and Create Item form for bibliographic and item records in Circulation, you can place the item on request for the patron “Cataloger.” If this feature is available, the system will place it on request for “Cataloger” ## days after the date of quick cataloging, where ## is the number of days defined in the alephe/pc_server_defaults file with the environmental variable “setenv circ_cataloger_request_date”. This feature is useful for automatically flagging a recently cataloged item (having used the Catalog Record form) when it is returned, so that it can be fully processed.

    For example, if your alephe/tab/pc_server_defaults for both test/prod has this set to:

    setenv circ_cataloger_request_date 002

    It means that the hold request will appear on the item record 2 days after creation. If you would like the hold request to take effect sooner (i.e. asap) change this setting to “000”.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013