CIRC print.ini Setup for Overdue Notices
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
We would like to both print and email the third/final overdue notice that gets sent to a patron. I think the setup for this needs to be in AL500\CIRC\TAB\PRINT.INI. However I am not sure of the exact text to use in order to set this up and I can't identify this from the user guide.
In job_list our overdues are set to print out every weekday as follows:
W1 12:05:00 Y mprint RCS50 p_cir_51 RCS50,overdues,Y,,Y,,,00,00,00,Y,N,O,4,
We have the following lines in rcs50/tab/form_description.eng
overdue-summary-0 Overdue notice - RCSI Library
overdue-summary-1 Overdue notice - RCSI Library
overdue-summary-2 Overdue notice - RCSI Library
Hence, the overdue notices that get sent by email have the above text in the subject line.
We have no reference to overdue print jobs in AL500\CIRC\TAB\PRINT.INI
I imagine that the text should be in the format of something like the following:
overdue-summary-0 00 N M overdue.prn
overdue-summary-1 01 N M overdue.prn
overdue-summary-2 02 N B overdue.prn
Can you advise what text we should have in AL500\CIRC\TAB\PRINT.INI in order for us to be able to both print and email the final notice?
The answer depends on if you print these manually from task manager or by print daemon.
If manually, then in the Task Manager, change the dropdown in the bottom right corner - "Setup Type" to "Both" and then click on print.
If you are using the print daemon, this is print.ini, but the one in ALEPHCOM (as opposed to CIRC).
You will need the print id in the first column and then B in column 4.
mprint 00 N B
This will of course affect all jobs that use this print daemon
For a detailed explanation, see SKB-7198
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013