Can We Use Different Claim Letters, such as serial-claim-letter-01-NN?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
I've created new text for some serial claims letters using form serial-claim-letter-(01, 02,or 03)-08.
The new form is not being used by the system. Why?
The documentation is easy to misunderstand, since in the User’s Guide, Serials, p 54, one finds the following information:
Claim Letter (GUI)
The valid format for this letter is “serial-claim-letter-nn” where “nn” can have the values of “01”, “02”, “03”, or “04”. “serial-claim-letter-01-04” or “serial-claim-letter-nn-nn” is not a valid format.
I checked v18, also and the answer is the same there, too.
ON the other hand, there are other methods of specifying a form version:
[1] specify in serial-claim-letter-01.trn by a field that appears in <section-01> of the the XML, for example, z30-sub-library:
form-print-format z30-sub-library MED 09
will print the serial-claim-letter-01-09.xsl form for forms where z30-sub-library = MED.
[2] less interesting, but nice to know: on a specific computer you can control what form prints using the print.ini file:
ClaimLetter 08 Y B claimltr.prn
will print the serial-claim-letter-01-08.xsl form.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013