Can we use delete functionality on the Cancel ILL Request button on WEB OPAC?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
Can we use delete functionality on the Cancel ILL Request button on WEB OPAC to free the ILL quota?
No, patrons can only use 'Cancel Request' in 'My account'
Additional Information
Cancellation will deduct the ILL request from the active limit,
but it will still count for the Total limit.
Only those requests marked as 'deleted' in the GUI are taken from the Total limit quota.
The following requests statuses do not count to the 'active limit':
UNF = Unfilled
CA = Cancelled
CLS = Closed
DEL = Deleted
RT = Returned by Library
EXP = Expired
RTP = Returned by Patron
Category: ILL2 (500) - ALEPH
Subject: Borrowing Request (500) - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 9/13/2014