Can a specific record be deleted from the circ logger?
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
A controversial title was accidentally checked out to apatron, who wants it removed from our records. Can a specific record be deleted from the circ logger?
The Patron ID scrubbing (cir-32) job will remove patron ID's from records, including the z309 (circulation logger). This would be done for everyone's records....
This SQL shows the z309 loan and return records for an individual item:
abc50@ALEPH1> select z309_rec_key, z309_text from z309 where z309_rec_key like 'ID82924%' and z309_rec_key_3 = '000050356000010';
**** Hit return to continue ****
--------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
ID82924 200905165758854 Regular loan
ID82924 200905175765275 Regular return
SQL can be used to delete these. (Example in Internal Comment, visible to EL staff.)
The z36h (loan history) record for this transaction would also need to be deleted. (This is what the patron sees in the OPAC -- not the z309.)
Note: Using file-03 ( Export Database Tables), you should back up the z309 table prior to doing any such updates.
- Article last edited: 22-Aug--2016