Cannot Use F3 for 260$b
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
In our USM01 library, we can’t use F3 for 260$b. We get the following error message:
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Aleph Catalog
Field/subfield 260-- is not defined in scancode.dat
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I checked the scancode.dat and it contains a 260##b line:
USM01>> grep 260 scancode.dat
260##a PLA
260##b PUB
USM01>> grep PUB tab00.eng
H PUB ACC 01 00 00 Publisher
USM01>> grep PUB tab11_acc
260## PUB b
Why isn't this working?
Please note the names of the F3 and F4 functions:
F3 = Search FIELD Headings of Current Base
F4 = Search SUBFIELD Headings of Current Base
scancode.dat entries that have a subfield in column 1 at the end of the field tag (position 6) are searched using F4. For example,
260##a PLA
Changing this entry to
260## PUB
would make the 260 field searchable via F3, but this is not recommended.
Note: if you change the files in pc_tab/catalog then you must run util M/7 to repackage the changes.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013