Cannot delete patron status in a patron record
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
We are a multi-ADM site, with USER-SHARING=Y. TUV patrons can check items out at the QRS50 library, using their ALEPH Local Patron record.
We had a staff member inadvertently add a patron status to the QRS50 line in the QRS50 local patron record. for patron TUV-4536 .
We have tried to delete this status and expiration date but cannot. We keep getting stopped by the message " Missing patron status (tab31)". Is there any way to delete these entries this so that this patron can borrow items from QRS50 ?
You cannot delete the patron status. (It's a required field.) You need delete the QRS50 *Local patron record* for patron TUV-4536.
To do this, you highlight the QRS50 line in her Local Patron Information list and then click "Delete" on the right.
You will then see that the QRS50 line is still present, but is blanked out.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013