Cash display takes minutes for patrons with many Cash lines; cash-05 very slow
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 22, 22, 23
Problem Symptoms:
1. In GUI Circ, there is a very slow/or no response in producing the cash display for certain patrons. Some patrons get "Server failed to execute request after 60 seconds" in the "All transactions" and "Active cash" tabs.
Though the Cash display of patrons with infrequently-loaned entries comes up in just a few seconds, the display for patrons who have Cash entries for items which have been loaned hundreds of times takes a minute or more.
2. The cash-05 ("Unpaid Transactions Letter") Service is extremely slow in producing letters for patrons who have Cash entries for items which have been loaned hundreds of times.
Items with many z36h (Loan history) and/or z30h (Item history) records.
* Do util a/17/14 in the ADM library to confirm that the z31(Cash), z36h (Loan history), and z30h (Item history) Oracle indexes are present and valid. If not, use util a/17/2 to build them.
* Assuming they are present and valid, delete older z36h and z30h records:
- the z36h is used in the GUI Circ Loan --> History. The farther back this display goes, the slower the Cash display will be.
- the z30h is used in the GUI Circ (in order to get the "Last updated" date in "History" in the tree on the left) and, in Cataloging, the "Items List -- All Items History" display.
- z36h records older than xx months/years can be purged from the patron id via service 'Remove Patron ID' (cir-32) to detach them from the patron record
- z36h records older than xx months/years can be deleted by util x/13/4
- z30h records older than xx months/years can be deleted as described in the article " Unnecessary z30h history records "
* If the preceding doesn't help and this is a pseudo-patron, create a second, new pseudopatron.
Additional Information
* The cash information is in the z31 not the z36h.
* The first 9 bytes of the z31_key are the z30_rec_key, which serves as a link to the item/bib information.
* KB 3986 ("Structure of Z31-KEY field") describes how the z31_key field contains the Z36-LOAN-DATE, Z36-DUE-DATE, Z36-RETURNED-DATE, etc.
* The z35 (Events) records are used for circ statistics; the z36h records are not.
* Thus, the z36h records are *not* needed to produce the Cash display and, as noted in KB 16384-17681 ("Slow check-out of items which have been loaned many times") (But they *are* needed to produce the Circulation History display -- an alternative to which is the Circulation Log.)
Category: Circulation (500)
Subject: Cash management (500)
- Article last edited: 2/20/2014