Cash receipts skipping numbers
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Looking at the "Payments Received Report" (p_cash_03), we find that in version 18 the cash receipts are skipping numbers. We have had 5 missing numbers in the past couple of weeks.
For instance, receipt number 3461 is missing.
I thought the cash receipts numbers were generated in sequence and automatically by Aleph.
As can be seen in the SQL below, no cash receipt has been produced with the number '3461':
abc50@ALEPH1> select z31_rec_key from z31 where Z31_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_NUMBER = '3460';
**** Hit return to continue ****
1 row selected.
abc50@ALEPH1> select z31_rec_key from z31 where Z31_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_NUMBER = '3461';
no rows selected
abc50@ALEPH1> select z31_rec_key from z31 where Z31_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_NUMBER = '3462';
**** Hit return to continue ****
ABC5156 200810161371419
I'm uncertain just why '3461' was skipped. (You might want to look for patterns, such as the number after a "Lost material - Replacement - System issue" -- which is what Receipt no. 3460 is -- always being skipped.)
In any case, it is not a problem. If you are concerned about the possibility that receipts are failing to print in a case where a payment has been made, then you can do the SQL for the number, as shown above, to confirm that there is no cash transaction with this Z31_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_NUMBER.
[Later:] v18 rep_change 1958 (v19 rep_change 545) addresses one possible cause of gaps in receipt numbers:
Description: The counter for the last receipt number was being increased by 1 when a lost loan was being returned, even if no receipt was being generated. It caused a lack of consecutiveness in the receipt numbers. This has been corrected.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013