Cataloging Field Check Message: Field tag xxx not valid
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
When trying to save a cataloging record that contains a 440 field, the following error message displays:
"Field tag 927 not valid"
Fields are not listed in the $data_tab/check_doc_line
Add the following line to $data_tab/check_doc_line to remove the message (and to prevent entries in the indicator field):
AL XX 927 -
Adding an additional line will also specify subfield a behavior.
AL XX 927 a 0 -
Additional Information
check_doc_line checks the logical structure and connections within a single occurrence of a field.
If a numeric field DOES NOT exist in the AL section of check_doc_line, an error message displays.
Fields that do not need to appear in this file:
* alphabetic or letters (STA, CAT, etc)
* lower than 010 (001, 008, etc)
For more detailed information, read the table header.
Category: Cataloging (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013