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    Change how long files are saved on the server (ELIB Scandinavia)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Change how long files are saved in the scratch directories of the libraries and

    There is a job called $aleph_proc/elib_opryd that will clean up more or less every directory related to elib_jobs (among them

    Each area that is cleaned has its own environment variable to control how many days to spare.

    This can be set in configuration file $alephe_dev/local/elib_opryd.conf


    setenv savetime_libris 60

    If the script runs un-changed it will take away every scratch files that is older than 30 days
    More details about the possible variables can be found in the header of script $aleph_proc/elib_opryd (in Danish language)

    # elib_opryd <local>
    # Hvis local er angivet ryddes kun op i $ALEPH_LIBS
    # Rydder op i aleph kataloger
    # savetime kan sættes i aleph_start.private
    # Er den ikke sat bliver default 30 dage
    # Der kan også sættes mere specifikke savetimes i
    # $alephe_dev/local/elib_opryd.conf
    # savetime_libris 3 Libris filer
    # savetime_burk 3 Burk filer
    # savetime_log 3 Filer i log
    # savetime_fsymbol 3 fsymbol filer (bruges af ALEPH)
    # savetime_tmp 3 Filer i tmp (gælder også fsymbol filer)
    # savetime_int 3 Filer der bruges af elib_30 (genudskriv)
    # savetime_kvit 7 Filer i postkvit
    # savetime_scratch 14 Filer i scratch kataloger
    # loglines 500 Antal linier i logfiler

    As soon as the script is modified and the configuration table completed,
    activate it via $alephe_tab/job_list.

    W1 05:30:00 N elib_opryd.log /exlibris/aleph/a21_1/aleph/proc/elib_opryd

    Additional Information

    This script is only included in the Aleph version, when region 'ELIB' (Scandinavia) is activated.

    Category: System Management (500) - ALEPH

    Subject: ALEPH - 500

    • Article last edited: 1/3/2014