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    Change to adm_name_key table and reindexing

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When you change the $alephe_unicode/adm_name_key table, is there an index job you need to run?

    As delivered, the $alephe_unicode/tab_character_conversion line has 5 entries which use the adm_name_key table:

    1. BORROWER_NAME_KEY ;;# # line_utf2line_utf adm_name_key
    2. VENDOR_NAME_KEY ;;# # line_utf2line_utf adm_name_key
    3. COURSE_NAME_KEY ;;# # line_utf2line_utf adm_name_key {The "NAME_KEYS" are all Oracle indexes which are built when the record is resent to the server. The NAME_KEYS can be reconstructed by running p_manage_64. For any individual user, you can click on Update and its z303_name_key will be rebuilt.}
    4. ACQ_INDEX ;;# # line_utf2line_utf adm_name_key {The ACQ_INDEX is the z79 "order index" and can be rebuilt with the p_acq_04 job (8 hours at a large site).}
    5. ADM_KEYWORD_KEY ;;# # line_utf2line_utf adm_name_key. {The ADM_KEYWORD_KEY is the z111 which is rebuilt by the p_manage_111 (12 hours at a large site?).}

    (keywords: p-manage-111 manage_111 reindex p-manage-64 manage_64 acq_04 p-acq-04)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013