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    Changing apache to port 80

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.2

    The Apache for our Web OPAC is running on port 8991. To enable wireless access, etc., we'd like to change it to the standard, port 80.
    Is there any reason not to do this?

    The issue to consider is that Apache must be started by user root because 80 is a privileged port. This means that the root log-in is required.

    Another potential disadvantage is that any unknown vulnerability of Apache can expose the root account to an attacker.

    To make the change, _HTTPD_PORT needs to be changed to 80 in conf_tml.dat and then propagated, using the utml / Template mechanism (see KB# 8192-392), to the relevant files.

    Note 1: any change done to any of the configuration files not using the utml script and not included in the relevant xxxxx.tml files will be overwritten by rerunning utml.

    Note 2: if changes have been made to $alephe_root and $alephe_root/apache/ files without updating the corresponding .tml file, it may be easier and safer to *not* use the automatic utml but instead update the necessary files manually/individually as described in KB 16384-17713.

    Additional Information

    port 80, apache, HTTPD_PORT

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013