Changing item information deletes all doc records in course doc list;C0424 PUT39
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
We just came up on Version 19. One of our staff members did the following:
For course PHI507-COR:
* Went to the item menu - change item information
* Reset a few things
* Clicked OK
* scanned barcode
* got message: "updating not allowed - item on loan" - had an error
code: C0424 PUT39.
* clicked OK
* List of 21 doc records for course PHI507-COR disappeared!!!
The z11_rec_key and the xxx30 doc record CNO field had a suffix of "00010001", when it should have only "0001".
The following SQL showed that the only cases of z11_rec_key with '00010001' were the 21 for this course:
SQL> select count(*) from z11 where z11_rec_key like '%00010001%';
As described in KB's 16384-15857 and 16384-15667, this problem occurs if you run certain Upgrade Express steps twice. You should not do this.
You can solve this problem by rerunning the Upgrade Express for the xxx30 libraries. If you have already completed the upgrade and started updating these records, contact in regard to a procedure to correct the z11's and the xxx30 doc records.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013