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    Circ.ini ErrorAction Descriptions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    Please explain the ErrorActions – when would we see them?

    Some of the ErrorActions are explained below (they are all listed). See SKB-8192-2135 for customization instructions.



    ItemRequested = Activated in Loan tab > Loan session > when loaning item for which hold request exists for other patron (if tab_check_circ has 6_a definied, NO warning sounds).

    ItemTransfer = Activated in Return tab > Return session > item needs to be transfered to other sub-library.

    LoanDenied = Activated when the station is denied from performing loan according to tab_attr_sub_library.

    LoanError = Activated in Loan tab > when loaning item and in the middle of the operation there is an error from the server, such as connection error or timeout.




    NoUser = Activated in Loan tab > Select any Patron > press New Cash button > Cash updated > system goes to server and brings updated patron info. If there is any error while bringing patron information from the server (e.g., connection problems, timeout, or data problems) a warning will sound.


    OnHoldReturn = added by v18 rep_change # 00174. Performed when an item on hold is returned in Circulation.

    RemoteReturn = should be activated in Return Tab when returning item from Remote Storage.

    ReturnDenied = Activated when the station is denied from performing a return according to tab_attr_sub_library.

    ReturnError = Activated in Return tab > when returning item and in the middle of the operation there is an error from the server, such as connection error or timeout.

    ReturnIllLend = should be activated in Return Tab when returning library's item from ILL Lend.


    UserError = Activated in Loan tab > Loan session > when system gets patron info and there are blocks, limits or cash owed.

    UserVerification = (Loan Options, Patron Verification Required check is selected.) Activated in Loan tab > when patron selected, system requests patron verification. If verification wrong, warning sounds.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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