Circ blocks loan of item: says there's hold for another patron, but there's not
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
Circ blocks loan of item 001160273-000010, saying there is a hold for another patron, but no holds show for this item.
We see, using SQL, that there *is* a z37 hold record (expired) for this item:
02 z37_rec_key \
03 doc_number ..................001160273
03 item_sequence ...............000010
03 sequence ....................0001
02 z37_id ........................AAX-5496
02 z37_status ....................S
02 z37_expand ....................N
02 z37_priority ..................30
02 z37_open_date .................20051023
02 z37_open_hour .................1314
02 z37_request_date ..............20051023
02 z37_end_request_date ..........20051223
02 z37_hold_date .................20051031
02 z37_letter_status .............
02 z37_letter_date ...............00000000
02 z37_alpha .....................L
02 z37_author ....................
02 z37_title .....................
02 z37_pages .....................
02 z37_note_1 ....................
02 z37_note_2 ....................
02 z37_print_status ..............P
02 z37_requester_id ..............
02 z37_cataloger_name ............
02 z37_cataloger_ip ..............
02 z37_hold_sequence .............000
02 z37_pickup_location ...........ULIB
02 z37_send_action ...............01
02 z37_end_hold_date .............20051107
You can either run p_cir_17 ("Delete Expired Hold Requests") or delete this z37 by key (0011602730000100001)
using SQL.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013