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    Citation Information Missing from Error Page

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When a patron submits an ILL request for a serial from the serial record in the OPAC, if there is an error within the request (such as need by date is missing or copyright box not checked) the system will return the patron with the request with the error noted at the top of the screen in red. However, the citation information doesn't come through.
    1. Log into OPAC
    2. Search for any serial (for example, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
    3. Click ILL.
    4. Complete citation (article title/author, date, pages, etc.) -- leave either need-by date or the copyright box blank.
    5. Click submit.
    6. Receive the appropriate error. Note that the citation information does not appear on returned request. On this screen, you are able to fix the error and submit the request.
    7. Check XXXIL for the incoming request, and note that the citation information doesn't come through on the request there either.
    How can we include the citation information on the error/correction screen?

    In out-request on the ILL server in www_p_eng, change the line:
    <input type=hidden name=GENRE value="$2700">
    to the line:
    <input type=hidden name=GENRE value="$1500">

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013